
On the trail we blaze....

PeakValleyPeak: Soundtrack to a Bike Ride


I would love to get people's comments on the map. When the grades come back in for this project, I would like to (with everyone's permission) turn this into an ongoing project, where I can publish your commentaries and memories on the map.

This cartography project has given me a new outlook on the city. I am terrible about giving Edmonton flack for being boring/redneck/not as hip as Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver, New York, etc. But in spite of the bleak weather and shoddy public transit, it does have a charm unlike any of the places I've listed. I am still trying to give it a definition, pin-point it, so to speak.

One of things I have discovered about Edmonton is that the best way to not hate it is to make it your own. You need to decide what places you haunt, what places you wander through, and what places you never go. If you have places you love, go there often; it will take the edge off.

Edmonton is a thrift store; you have to take what you love and leave what you hate, and chances are someone will snap up what you've ignored.


  1. Love this notion of Edmonton as a thrift store - it also makes us co-conspirators in our hunt for the unexpected treasure.

  2. I think you describe Edmonton beautifully with your thrift store metaphor. I also think that your map really shows how we connect memory and feeling to songs and moments. I agree with you that Edmonton is kind of like an item at a thrift store. To one person it may be junk but to another it could be a treasure. It definitely depends on how you look at it.
